“The Legend” from Deltarune, composed by Toby Fox and arranged for brass quintet by Robby Duguay.

Stand back, I have FEELINGS! It was very hard not to talk about the survey for the first 24 hours, but between chatting privately on discord and working on this arrangement I think I was able to get it out of my system. We did this whole thing in 24 hours. Can’t believe I edited two videos in one week… Anyway Delta Rune is fantastic and I can’t wait for more. I won’t say too much since it’s still so early, but I will say that my favourite joke in the game was the shopkeep Seam. It’s pronounced Shawm. Welcome to his Seap. I need to lay down.

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The Legend, from Deltarune

Title : The Legend
Release Date : November 2, 2018